
I am thrilled to receive your submissions for the Fall 2024 issue of Lobster Salad and Champagne. We are an optimistic feminist publication that publishes personal essays, short stories, poetry, flash fiction, artwork, and translations. The theme for the Fall 2024 Issue is the Female Experience. We are seeking pieces that explore experiences that are unique to women in a positive way. This theme is open to interpretation. As long as you make me think long after I finish reading your piece you’re golden. However, Lobster Salad and Champagne is not looking for romance, erotica, graphic content, political content or news. Simultaneous submissions welcome. Lobster Salad and Champagne uses a blind submission process, so please do not include a bio or identifying information in your email. Unpublished writers and artists are welcome! No previously published work, please. Send your work in the body of the email. Attachments will not be opened. Include SUBMISSION in the byline of the email. Please send your submission to Expect to hear back within a week. Deadline is September 20th for inclusion in the Fall 2024 issue. Feel free to send a follow-up email if you do not hear back after a week. Read below for specific submission guidelines by category.

Short stories-Keep short stories until 5,000 words. If your piece is longer than 5,000 words, please send it as a 500-word pitch instead. When reading short stories, I look for clear plot, creativity, feminist-themes, and bravery.

Personal essay-Personal essays should be between 500 and 3,000 words. When reading personal essays, I want to be transported into your story. Wider social commentary is an added bonus.

Flash Fiction-Our flash fiction section is truly flash fiction, with all pieces being under 1,000 words. Make sure that flash fiction still has a developed plot.

Artwork-artwork should be submitted in the body of the email. Make sure that pictures are clear, and the medium of the art is included.

Translations-translations should be the first translation into English and should include the author’s name, the language you are translating from and a link to the original piece.

Poetry-please send no more than three to five poems at one time, based around a similar theme. No rhyming poetry, please.

I can’t wait to read all of your submissions!