By Sarah Rubinstein
Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash
girl dinner
heather’s life is a mess
that’s what she thinks
wears expired makeup
bought a sweater from shein (but feels really bad about it)
convinced her boss has hated her since her first day
still on chapter one of the bell jar
can’t get the cracker crumbs out of her bed
carmen’s life is a mess
that’s what she thinks
cooks only boxed mac and cheese
regrets her bangs, but not enough to do anything about it
missed her last gynecologist appointment
blames herself when a stranger steps on her toe
sleeps with her childhood stuffed animal
erica’s life is a mess
that’s what she thinks
forgot to register to vote—again
spent her savings on a self-cleaning litter box
shoplifted sunglasses just to feel something
stained her bathtub with red hair dye
in love with the barista that never charges extra for almond milk
but every friday they meet
for girl dinner
they listen
they gossip
they laugh
they think the world of each other—
they’d never think about one another
the way they think about themselves